The Puddcast

The Puddcast

Jonathan Puddle

Non-religious conversations about life, love and God. Past guests include Wm. Paul Young, Brian Zahnd, Lisa Sharon Harper, Kim Walker-Smith, Priscilla Shirer, Bradley Jersak and many more.

Categorias: Para toda la familia

Escuchar el último episodio:

Professor, author, speaker and all-around delightful person Heather Thompson Day is our guest on The Puddcast—something I’ve been hoping to make happen for 3 years. Dr. Heather is Associate Professor of Communication at Andrews University, and the author of 8 books; including her latest, I'll See You Tomorrow: Building Relational Resilience When You Want to Quit. Heather shared her perspective that all relationship is sacred, and that ministering the gospel is often as simple as reflecting people’s human dignity back to them. We reflected on living with delight and purpose, inside the mundane limits of our actual lives. Heather unpacked the myth of self-reliance and explained how not all relationships have to be strong, intimate ones to still have profound value and sacred impact. If you’re tired and have not much left to give right now, this one is for you. See https://jonathanpuddle/podcast for transcripts, links and full show notes.

Episodios anteriores

  • 188 - #138: Relational Resilience for the Exhausted (with Heather Thompson Day) 
    Tue, 27 Jun 2023
  • 187 - #137: Creating suicide-safe churches (Steve Austin tribute) 
    Fri, 26 May 2023
  • 186 - #136-B: Reflecting on Aundi Kolber and self-compassionate survival 
    Wed, 12 Apr 2023
  • 185 - #135-B: Unpacking Brad Jersak and the idol smashing of deconstruction 
    Thu, 02 Mar 2023
  • 184 - #136: Flexible strength—compassionate survival (with Aundi Kolber) 
    Fri, 17 Mar 2023
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